Property cleaning for the building manager

Skyscraper with massive windows and industrial style lift inside needs cleaning by Commercial Cleaning Sydney by DryTech Commercial Cleaning Services Sydney

Many landlords opt to hire a property manager to handle everything on their behalf. And one of the most important jobs of property management is keeping the building clean.

While property cleaning services may seem mundane, it keeps renters safe and helps keep the building in good shape. If you are a building manager, you will know how important this task is.

Most landlords expect the building manager to be able to handle all the tasks but a sole employee cannot take care of everything, particularly if you have a large apartment block with many rented units.  In this case it may be better to hire a commercial cleaning company in Sydney to assist the building manager.

DryTech Commercial Cleaning is a reputable commercial cleaning company in Sydney with many years’ experience working in building management.   Our property building manager checklist offers a nugget of information on how you can maintain your apartment building.

The Building Manager’s Checklist

Check to see if a unit is clean for occupancy

Whether you own multiple properties or just one, it’s vitally important to ensure the rental unit is move-in ready before another tenant moves in. And the perfect time to perform those checks is after a tenant moves out.

Once a tenant moves out, check to see if there is any damage. Check the walls for holes and make sure large appliances still work correctly.

Next, look for dirt and stains. Check out the carpeting to see if there are any stains. Then make sure the windows don’t have cracks and are still clean.

And, of course, make sure you check closely for any signs of pest infestations or mould. These two issues could result in a lot of problems for you if not handled correctly immediately.  If you have a pest problem, call the pest controller.  If you have a mould problem, call the carpet cleaner.

Upkeep the property

To ensure your unit doesn’t go unrented for a lengthy period, it’s always a good idea to do some basic property cleaning. Small steps like repainting the walls and replacing damaged carpeting or flooring make the unit more appealing to potential renters.

You should also consider changing the locks to keep your renters safe.

Prepare a maintenance list

It’s a good idea for property managers to create a preventative maintenance checklist. It’s much cheaper to spend money on upkeep than it is to fix a problem that’s been ignored for years.

Some routine maintenance is seasonal, such as ensuring the roof is cleared of any debris before winter hits. Others, such as servicing the HVAC system only needs maintenance twice a year.

A checklist ensures nothing ends up being forgotten or neglected.

Implement an On-Call maintenance list

While it helps to schedule preventative maintenance, it won’t stave off all potential problems. Offering on-call maintenance services allows property managers to address issues immediately.   For example, make sure you have a commercial cleaner on your speed dial for urgent cleaning needs in the building.  An apartment building may have many occupants and unfortunate events like burst pipes or an overflowing bathtub is not uncommon.    A plumber can fix a burst pipe but the cleaning up will have to be actioned immediately by a commercial cleaning company.

It’s also a smart idea to create a tracking system to help you communicate and handle maintenance issues. That way, your building is safe, and your tenants remain happy.

Manage waste and recycling

Without a good waste management system in place, you could end up with a huge trash build up problem. That leads to unsanitary, smelly conditions that attract large amounts of pests that are only too happy to set up camp in your building.

And some states made recycling items like certain plastics a law. Not only is recycling good for the environment, but it helps lower your trash bill.

Make sure you make it easy for tenants to dispose of their trash and recycle properly. Keep signs in places where it’s easy for them to see where each item belongs.

Keep all common rooms and spaces spotlessly clean

While most tenants keep their own units clean, they don’t want to take responsibility for common areas. That’s why they’re renting from you.

And common areas often get overlooked, and trash and clutter can begin accumulating. This isn’t good if you’re trying to rent to potential new tenants.

Make sure all common areas are checked and cleaned daily to ensure everything looks and smells good.

A commercial cleaning company can assist with keeping these areas clean and shiny.  For example steam cleaning carpets in hallways and lifts, washing and polishing carpark floors, cleaning apartment foyer and cleaning and sanitising rubbish rooms.

Maintain the exterior of the building

Don’t forget to maintain the outside of the property. The first impression anyone gets of your building is how it looks on the outside.

If it looks run down, it’s harder to charge higher rental fees. Make sure to regularly have your lawn or grassy areas mowed.

Clean out your gutters at least once a year. And place some bushes, plants, and flowers around to make it look nice. Just make sure you have someone to maintain them so they don’t die or look wilted.

Outsource the cleaning to a commercial cleaning company

Outsourcing some of the bigger cleaning tasks in your apartment building to a commercial cleaning company will make it easier for the building manager to do his or her job.

Some of the most common tasks a commercial cleaning company can undertake include cleaning and polishing the carpark floors, steam cleaning carpets in common spaces (lifts, hallways, reception), cleaning the area around the swimming pool, cleaning and sanitising the gym room, cleaning windows, cleaning and sanitising the rubbish room and mail room.

Commercial cleaning companies have the expertise and equipment to maintain the cleanliness of the building so consider calling DryTech Commercial Cleaning today for all your apartment building cleaning needs.

DryTech Commercial Cleaning is one of Sydney’s best commercial cleaning companies.  For more information about our wide range of services or a free quote call: 02 9161 1621 or email: [email protected]